Friday, 21 May 2010

Getting the Bends

Day 12

Don't fret, I haven't given myself the bends in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber (i.e  the torture tube) but I am working on getting my knee to bend a bit more...

After getting my staples out on Tuesday (Day 9), it was back to the Southern General to see the physio. This wasn't as bad as I was expecting, as we didn't do any forceful range-of-motion (ROM) exercises. I could only just get 30* of flexion, which was a bit worrying at first but after doing a bit of research on the very useful KneeGeeks website: it turns out that there is often quite a limited ROM for quite a while after getting the popliteofibular ligament reconstructed. They also don't like to do too much, too soon, to prevent too much stress on the new ligament graft.

I have been doing isometric (static) quadriceps contractions 4 times a day, 3 sets of 7 reps. I'm using a similar method that climbers use doing finger strength training called repeaters. This basically involves contracting the quad as hard as possible for 7 seconds, then relax for 3 seconds. This is repeated 7 times, then a couple of minutes rest, followed by a further 2 sets of 7 reps with rest in between. By the third set it's getting quite tiring, so must be doing some good. I'll up the reps as I get strength back.

On top of that, I'm doing hip abduction and adduction exercises (i.e. lateral leg raises lying on my side, then on my other side), plus normal leg raises lying on my back (although, I'm doing both legs at the same time time to give my abs a workout too, and finally, I'm doing patella mobilisation (i.e. wobbling my kneecap about).

So, plenty to keep my busy. I'm still going in the "torture tube" once a day. It seems that the swelling around my knee is reducing quickly, which is what the treatment is meant to do. Obviously it would be reducing without  the treatment so it's difficult to determine how much good it's doing.

Here is my knee:

Looking around the Internet, it seems that my knee is similar in size to people at about day 30! We all heal at different rates, but it seems like my swelling is going down fairly quickly.

On top of all the exercises, I'm doing passive range of motion exercises, using my left leg to support my right. At the physio I could only get 30* but today I managed to get between 35* and 40*, small progress, but it's going the right way!

I've been told not to push it too hard in the early days to make sure I don't over-stress the grafts.

That's all for today.


  1. how's everything going? I had pcl recon and medial meniscus surgery about a week after yours and was wondering how your knee was progressing. there's not too much on pcl's yet and your blog will be read by many people for years to come for sure. keep up the good work!

  2. Hi, I've got my next physio appointment in a couple of days, so I was going to do another update after that.

    The swelling has prettty much gone and it doesn't hurt at all. I can get about 60* flexion and full extension. I think it't the posterolateral corner recon that's causing most of the restiction in bending,
